
WE CAN Legal Consults & Support Sessions

In collaboration with the Falmouth Service Center, three free services are offered to Upper Cape individuals.

Legal Consults

Legal Consults are coordinated by WE CAN for low to moderate income participants to receive guidance on their legal issues involving Family Law. (Please Note: The attorney will not represent participants in court, but will advise on legal matters during these no-cost sessions).

Financial Empowerment Sessions

Financial Empowerment Sessions are coordinated by WE CAN. These free individual sessions are 45-50 minute appointments to assist participants in a 1 on 1 setting with experienced financial volunteers who are knowledgeable on general money management, managing debt, and savings planning.

Work Support Sessions

Work Support Sessions are coordinated by WE CAN. These free individual sessions are 60-90 minute appointments to assist participants to successfully navigate through the work-finding process. Experienced volunteers are knowledgeable on business, career and related issues.

To make an appointment, please call WE CAN directly at (508) 430-8111.

If you have more questions about We Can, please call us at (508) 548-2794.


If you are in need of food and you don't live near FSC, please visit the Greater Boston Food Bank website for a list of regional food pantries in your area.

We are a proud member agency of the Greater Boston Food Bank.