
Food Pantry at FSC

The food pantry is a major component of the Falmouth Service Center. Residents of Falmouth, Mashpee, Joint Base Cape Cod, and those who work in Falmouth may use the pantry once every two weeks as needed and may choose from our selection of perishable and non-perishable items.

At this time, the food pantry is open to ANY household in need. Please visit our Coronavirus Response page to learn more about how we are operating outside and with new hours!


How Do I Know if I Qualify?

I need food assistance. How do I know if I qualify for food assistance from the Falmouth Service Center?

At this time, we are open to anyone in need of food.

  • You qualify if you find yourself struggling to afford food for yourself and your family

  • You qualify if you are a resident of any town in Massachusetts

  • You qualify if you are Active Duty military or a veteran regardless of where you reside


What Do I Need to Bring with Me When I Come Into the Service Center?

During COVID-19, you will only need to provide your name, date of birth, zip code and number of people in your family.

At this time, you do not need to provide any documentation to pick up food.  If your household needs food, please come to our weekly food distribution. 

In order to register your household for our other services, we will need one of the following documents to verify your current address, for EACH ADULT member of the household. (e.g. bills, other piece of mail, lease, etc.) The verification must be dated within the last 30 days for EACH ADULT

For a child to be added to the account, we need one of the following: MassHealth card, birth certificate, social security, letter from child's school or custody papers.

If you are a resident of another town on Cape Cod and wish to access food in your town/area, then click here for a list of food pantries available to you on Cape Cod.

I came in crying and asking for help so my son could be well nourished. They treated my son and I as actual human beings. I appreciate all that your service has done for me and my son.
— Barbara

More Questions?

If you have more questions about the Food Pantry, please call us at (508) 548-2794.


If you are in need of food and you don't live near FSC, please visit the Greater Boston Food Bank website for a list of regional food pantries in your area.

We are a proud member agency of the Greater Boston Food Bank.