
Financial Assistance

At this time, if you are a Falmouth Resident, please call 508-548-2794 if you are in need of financial assistance. There will be NO in-person appointments. Please visit our Coronavirus Response Page for more information.

Falmouth residents struggling to pay their basic needs – rent, electric and/or heating bills – are likely to be eligible to receive financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center.

Financial Assistance is an important facet of the work that the Falmouth Service Center does. Falmouth Service Center staff and volunteers meet with eligible residents to determine if they qualify for financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center. A critical piece of financial assistance is applying for food and fuel assistance. Learn more about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Fuel Assistance Program (during the heating season, November through April). If you are not already a client of the Falmouth Service Center, we recommend that you learn more about our Food Pantry or stop by the Falmouth Service Center to register to receive food from the Food Pantry.

How do I know if I am eligible?

You must be a resident of Falmouth to initially qualify for financial assistance with the Falmouth Service Center. If you are not a resident of Falmouth but live in another town on Cape Cod, you may be eligible for financial assistance at an organization within your town. Please call The Needy Fund at 508-778-5661.

First-time Applicant:
If you are a Falmouth resident and are applying for financial assistance with the Falmouth Service Center for the very first time, you must first attend a Budget Workshop. (this requirement is currently waived during COVID)

Received Financial Assistance MORE than 18 Months Ago:
If you are a Falmouth resident and have not received financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center within the past 18 months, then you are most likely eligible to receive additional assistance at this time. Normally, the Falmouth Service Center can only help a household once every 18 months BUT during COVID, we are currently reviewing all requests on a case by case basis. We will check our records to verify the last date financial assistance was provided to you to determine if you are eligible. If you are eligible for help, then you do not need to attend the our Financial Assistance Workshop again.

Received Financial Assistance LESS than 18 Months Ago: (*all cases will be reviewed during COVID)

If you are a Falmouth resident and have received financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center within the past 18 months, then you are ineligible to receive additional assistance at this time. The Falmouth Service Center can only help a household once every 18 months. However, it may be possible for you to receive help from St. Vincent de Paul Society if they have not helped you before. Please contact us for a referral.

Do Not Remember When I Received Financial Assistance:
If you are a Falmouth resident and do not remember when you last received financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center, we will check our records to verify the last date financial assistance was provided to determine if you are eligible. If you are eligible for help, then you do not need to attend the our Financial Assistance Workshop again.

How do I know if I qualify for financial assistance?

If you feel that you may be eligible for financial assistance from the Falmouth Service Center based on the criteria outlined above, please call us at 508-548-2794 to determine if you are in fact eligible.

If the Falmouth Service Center deems you are eligible for financial assistance, a staff member or volunteer will schedule an appointment to meet with you to review your financial situation (income and expense information), determine if you qualify for financial assistance and discuss next steps such as attending a Budget Workshop, contacting a partner resource, applying for food or fuel assistance, or applying for rent or mortgage payment assistance. Clients should be aware that a portion of our financial assistance comes from The Cape Cod Times Needy Fund. Falmouth residents may not apply separately to The Needy Fund.

How do I qualify for Vocational Assistance?

Are you looking to enter in to the healthcare field or considering vocational training in the healthcare field? We have partial financial assistance available for qualifying Falmouth Residents! Applicants must be Falmouth residents age 25+, clients of the Falmouth Service Center, and pursing or considering a vocational training or educational certificate program that will advance their career in health service. Please call FSC for more information or if you have any questions, 508-548-2794.

More questions?

If you have more questions about receiving Financial Assistance from the Falmouth Service Center, please call us at 508-548-2794.

Consent Form Have you recently applied for financial assistance? Please print this form and sign it if we have asked you to do so.


If you are in need of food and you don't live near FSC, please visit the Greater Boston Food Bank website for a list of regional food pantries in your area.

We are a proud member agency of the Greater Boston Food Bank.